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Cold-War 45#



Cold War™ is a premium multi-temperature powdered formulation for mechanical and CIP cleaning of dairy equipment.

SKU: 6056 Categories: ,


Color……white w/ blue specks
Foam………..low, fast breaking
Wetting ability……….excellent
Active as Na2O……………32.9%
Total as Na2O……………..53.2%
Available chlorine…………2.0%
pH (1.0% solution)…………12.3
(0.4% solution)………………11.9
Formula ingredients contain not more than 1.2% phosphorus, 0.2 grams per gallon of average recommended use concentration.


Promotes Quality Assurance

  • Superior cleaning even under the most challenging conditions.
  • Assures effective clean up, even in 100°F (38°C) water, and when hot water heater fails.

Saves Money and Time

  • Reduces hot water consumption and energy costs.
  • No additional additives needed for water conditioning.
  • High actives formula provides superior use-cost.

Environmentally Responsible

  • Low phosphate levels.


Cleaning Pipelines and Milking Units:

  1. Pre-flush pipeline and milking units with large volume of clear tap water.
  2. Prepare cleaning solution using 1 ounce of COLD-WARTM to each 3 gallons (2.5 g/L) of warm water. (Starting temperature 100°F/38°C) (Do not guess at amount of water. Measure and put mark on tank.). In water over 20 grains hardness, use 1 ounce of COLD-WARTM to 2 gal. (3.8 g/L) water. Note: Pipeline systems with restrictions resulting from the installation of milk meters, automatic takeoffs, unit washers and other plastic accessories, may require a higher starting temperature and/or product concentration.
  3. Circulate cleaning solution through system for 10 minutes, brush-washing all parts not coming in contact with circulating solution. Wear rubber gloves when brush-washing equipment.
  4. Rinse with a large volume of tap water to remove all detergent solution. Follow with proper use dilution of MANDATETM PLUS to acid rinse and sanitize in one easy step. Or use proper use dilution of PL-10TM PLUS. Circulate. Allow to drain.
  5. Unless MANDATETM PLUS was used to acid rinse and sanitize in last step, just before milking, sanitize by circulating proper ppm solution of a liquid sanitizer, following label directions. (Do not sanitize more than 30 minutes before using equipment.). Drain completely.

Note: When step 4 is followed, alternate acid cleaning with PL-10TM PLUS is not necessary. The acidified rinse prevents formation of milkstone, mineral deposits and leaves surfaces film-free.

Cleaning Transfer Systems:

Fill receiver container with enough warm water to establish recirculation. Add 1 oz. of COLD-WARTM per each 3 gallons (2.5 g/L) of 100°F (38°C) water. Follow pipeline cleaning procedures.

Mechanical Cleaning of Bulk Tanks:

  1. Pre-flush tank with large volume of clear tap water.
  2. Prepare washing solution in volume necessary to properly operate the spray devices, using 1 ounce of COLD-WARTM to each 2 gallons (3.8 g/L) of warm water (100°F/38°C). In water over 20 grains hardness, use 1 ounce COLD-WARTM to 1 gallon (7.5 g/L) of water.
  3. Allow to spray-wash for 10 minutes. Disconnect return line and drain.
  4. Inspect all milk zone surfaces for cleanliness. Prepare concentrated washing solution, using 4 oz. HC-10 and not more than 1 gallon (30.0 g/L) of hot water. Brush-wash valve, outside of tank and any part of tank not cleaned by mechanical system. Wear rubber gloves when brush-washing equipment.
  5. Rinse tank thoroughly inside and out with clear water. Follow with proper use dilution of MANDATE PLUSTM to acid rinse and sanitize in one easy step. Or use proper use dilution of PL-10TM PLUS. Circulate. Allow to drain.
  6. Unless MANDATE PLUSTM was used to acid rinse and sanitize in last step, just before milking, sanitize by spraying with proper ppm solution of a liquid sanitizer. Allow tank to drain before closing valve.

Note: When step 5 is followed, alternate acid cleaning with PL-10TM PLUS is not necessary. The acidified rinse prevents formation of milkstone, mineral deposits and leaves surfaces film-free.