Meet District 1 Director Paul Keener

MMPA members recently elected Paul Keener to serve a three-year term on the MMPA board of directors as a District 1 Director. Keener joins the 12 other dairy farmers on the MMPA board of directors, helping guide the direction of the cooperative and setting strategic goals.

Rosedale Farms LLC, established in 2012 in Ashland, Ohio, has been operational for over a decade. Paul, together with his wife Shyann and their three children, manage 607 acres of farmland and 650 milking cows on their dairy. He became an active member in MMPA when Superior Dairy was acquired in 2021 and is looking forward to providing his insights on the board of directors.

How has MMPA impacted your farm?

MMPA impacts my farm with the quality bonus that they offer. It gives me an incentive to work hard to achieve better milk quality. Although we still have room for improvement, it has changed what we’ve been focusing on to achieve quality milk. After visiting the Superior Dairy plant as part of MMPA’s CORE program, I’ve seen first-hand how our quality milk gets processed and its significance. It brought home the fact that we need to do our part on the farm to produce quality milk.

What do you value most about MMPA?

It’s a farmer owned co-op that provides a secure, competitive marketplace.

Why did you want to join the board of directors?

It’s an honor to be on the board. I want to be on the board of directors to help continue the growth of MMPA. It’s an exciting co-op and is going to continue to grow and evolve. I will do my best to be a voice for the members while on the board.

What are your goals and vision while serving on the board of directors?

To continue to be a strong co-op for the members, as well as continually growing and improving in a responsible manner to best serve its members.

What would you tell members looking to become more active within the cooperative?

It’s your co-op, be active and let your voice be heard. Decisions will be made whether or not you participate, so it’s important to remain actively involved.

This article was originally published in the May/June 2024 issue of the Milk MessengerSubscribe »