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Artec Winter Teat Dip


Artec is a unique, patented, fatty acid based teat dip which aids in reducing the spread of organisms which may cause mastitis. Artec also contains a triple blend of emollients for superior teat conditioning.

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Spec.Grav. @ 68°F(20°C)1.071
lbs/gal…………………8.92 (4.05)
100% solution pH…………….4.5
Active Ingredients:
Heptanoic Acid………………1.5%
Inert Ingredients………….98.5%
System contains a triple blend of emollients. Formula ingredients contain no phosphorus.


  • Contains 1.5% heptanoic acid to provide superior efficacy without the harsh drying effect encountered with iodophor-based teat dips.
  • Passes AOAC sanitizer test on organisms tested with a greater than 99.999% (> 5 log) reduction with only 15 seconds contact time, even in the presence of a 10% milk challenge.
  • Equally effective against both contagious and environmental mastitis organisms, such as Escherichia coli, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus uberis and Staphylococcus aureus.


Important: Do not mix Artec with water, any other teat dips, or other products unless specified in product use instructions. If transferred from this container to any other, make sure that the other container is thoroughly pre-cleaned and bears the proper container labeling for Artec. If product in dip cup becomes visibly dirty, discard contents and replenish with undiluted product. Do not reuse or return any unused product to the original container.

Before Milking: Wash teats thoroughly just prior to next milking with appropriate udder wash solution or pre-milking teat dip to avoid contamination of milk. Teats should then be dried with single-service towels. Use proper procedures for udder washing or predipping.

Pre-Milk Dipping: Fill teat dip cup with pre-milking teat dip. Do not dilute. Before each cow is milked, dip each teat full-length into the teat dip cup. Wipe teats dry after dipping, using single-service towels to avoid contamination of milk.

Post-Milk Dipping: Immediately after each milking, dip each teat full-length into the teat dip cup containing the product. Allow to air dry. Do not wipe. Always use fresh, full strength Artec. Do not turn cows out in freezing weather until Artec is completely dry.

Expanded Usage: When freshening cows, begin dipping teats twice daily for about 10 days before calving.