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EcoPlus/Legend SA Concentrate


When properly diluted EcoPlus/Legend SA provides a 10,000 ppm iodine teat dip that contains an emollient system including glycerin to help assure maximum skin conditioning and germicidal activity.

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Spec.Grav. @68°F(20°C) 1.145
lbs. per gal…………….54 (4.3kg)
100% solution pH……………4.2
Active ingredient:
Titratable Iodine……………3.6%
Inactive ingredients……..96.4%
(Contains a 27% emollient system) Formula ingredients contain no phosphorus.


Saves Money

  • Effective for both pre and post milking application – one product does it all.

Saves Time

  • Suitable for both spray and dip applications.

Promotes Quality Assurance

  • Non-irritating formula aids teat conditioning.
  • Gentle on teats and hands with an emollient system containing glycerin.


Important: Do not mix EcoPlus/Legend SA or diluted EcoPlus/Legend SA with any other products, only cool potable water. If transferred from this container to any other, make sure that the other container is thoroughly pre-cleaned and bears the proper container labeling for EcoPlus/Legend SA. Can be mixed to a ready to use .5% with available pump. Dilution Parameter: A dilute solution of a 1.0% iodine teat dip will consist of 75% potable water and 25% EcoPlus/Legend SA by volume. Application of Diluted EcoPlus/Legend SA.

Before Milking: Wash teats thoroughly just prior to next milking with appropriate udder wash solution or pre-milking teat dip to avoid contamination of milk. Teats should then be dried with single-service towels. Use proper procedures for udder washing or pre-dipping.

Directions for Teat Dipping- Pre-Milk Dipping: Fill teat dip cup with diluted EcoPlus/Legend SA. Before each cow is milked, dip each teat full-length into the teat dip cup containing diluted EcoPlus/Legend SA. Wipe teats dry after dipping using single-service towels to avoid contamination of milk.

Post-Milk Dipping: Immediately after each milking, dip each teat full-length into the teat dip cup containing diluted EcoPlus/Legend SA. Allow to air dry. Do not wipe. Always use fresh, diluted EcoPlus/Legend-HC Concentrate. Do not turn cows out in freezing weather until teat dip is completely dry.

Directions for Teat Spraying- Pre-Milk Spraying: Before each cow is milked, spray entire teat with diluted EcoPlus/Legend SA. Wipe teat dry after spraying using single-service towels to avoid contamination of milk. Post-Milk Spraying: Immediately after each milking, spray entire teat with diluted EcoPlus/Legend SA. Allow to air dry. Do not wipe. Always use fresh, diluted EcoPlus/Legend SA. Do not turn cows out in freezing weather until diluted EcoPlus/Legend SA is completely dry.